jeremysleeps @jeremysleeps
the omohomo ? might be something I'd be called lol. me pissing a pair of tighty whities and then pics playing with my pissy nips
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jeremysleeps @jeremysleeps
last 2 days again all posted together , tried to spend as much time yesterday doing yardwork , so here is my Tuesday and Wednesday pics for you guys
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jeremysleeps @jeremysleeps
finally a day off, hopefully today I get a chance to actually get a few things done including some new content, and maybe a Livestream tonight(March 10) so keep an eye out. so far woke up kind of shat my first pair of briefs and just snapped a couple pics in the pair I'm wearing today . nothing special but as this is essentially a diary here they all are
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jeremysleeps @jeremysleeps
pics and piss in my pink aussiebum briefs Saturday and Sunday morning
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jeremysleeps @jeremysleeps
wish that these mesh briefs photographed better , need a pair with bigger holes so they show more through them
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